Trial Management

Taking Trial Management to the Edge of Innovation

Catawba Research executes clinical trials in such a way only we can. We believe in our people and we empower them to make fast decisions in support of our Sponsors. Many are often shocked to hear our Project Managers are the frontline responders on our trials and remain the primary contact. We are uncomplicated, and we believe this is how we best serve our research stakeholders.  Catawba Research is dedicated to providing:

  • A supportive & positive work culture
  • A learning environment where ongoing quality improvement is key
  • Consistency in our systems ensuring we treat every trial with great care

Catawba Research believes it is at the forefront of finding ways to help Sponsors bring much needed treatments to market for individuals who need it.  We do this with three things in mind:

  • Quality
  • Timelines
  • Budget

To meet these three concepts, Catawba Research believes we can run your next clinical trial with high-quality while meeting your timelines and budget because of the methodology used to set up your clinical trial.  Let’s just say…if the last time you ran a clinical trial a ton of sites were used….YOU NEED TO CALL US . 

Our study design methods are scientifically-based attempting to reduce data challenges using these three things:

  • Streamlined clinical operations
  • Continuous site management
  • Pre-approved vendors (you can always bring us your favorites, though)

Catawba Research values deep relationships with leading authorities in the pharmaceutical industry including those in data management, biostatistics and regulatory affairs. Using our long-held professional relationships, Catawba Research ensures the best outcomes using pre-approved vendors for data management, biostatistics, labs, labeling/packaging, medical writing and archiving. We also invite the trusted partners of our potential Sponsors, as well.

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